Database of weapons, national armed forces, terrorist organizations, and daily news reports on world events.
As the Senior Designer - Interactive Lead, I was responsible for owning the overall design, prototyping, and communication of project. I represented our design team in collaborative sessions, talked through user conflicts and design choices, and aided in the design of the user interface with the help of a fellow UI designer.
Build the product in a way that the CCMI Tech team can support the platform. Create a better experience for the user. Make it pleasing enough to be confident to sell and promote the website. Create brand awareness and cohesiveness.
The current experience for the user was quite painful. With several clicks to get to most information, and long lists of data to pour through before being able to find what you want; our clear and present goal was to decrease the amount of clicks a user needs to find what they're looking for. Additionally, we wanted to make sure every click felt intentional, and every page felt true to the brand, so the customer can understand where they are, and why they are there.
Based on some analytics inquiries performed by the CCMI team, we know that:
• 46% of site traffic is first time users
• 63% of traffic is from direct links
Sales aren't reflective of such a large amount of traffic being new users. Plenty of things could be causing the loss of subscription follow-through, but a problem exists with getting people to follow through with a sale.
Such high direct link traffic could imply we have great SEO that ranks us high on military searches, especially since the social and email traffic is relatively low in comparison. Going forward, we need to be careful not to disrupt our SEO tactics with navigation and content layout.
Formatting absolutely HUGE amounts of texts that were entered into a database in plain text 15+ years ago can be quite the rush... What it actually calls for, is an understanding of what we can do to parse all the 10,000+ pages at once, while still making efforts to design readability and maneuverability into the mix.
You probably get the point by now...
but just know that this image is a truncated version of the actual page length.
We set a workback schedule and proceeded down it's path. It wasn't always straight, as there are plenty of cyclical progression paths that allow teams to work out issues through reiteration; however, the planning, researching, designing, discussing, and dissecting always pays off.
Mockups, User Flow, Sitemaps,